
Thanksgiving for my children

Thank you for their toes that can wiggle and support them. Thank you for toes that catch sand between their toes.

Thank you for their feet that can run and kick and walk. 

Thank you for feet that can explore a muddy ditch or a new hiking trail.

Thank you that their legs are growing. That they outgrow their clothes so quickly. Thank you for their ability to walk the extra mile and run to those hurting. 

Thank you for their stomachs that can eat me out of house and home, but also can nourish their bodies. Thank you that they can take in food properly and give their body the vitamins they need.

Thank you for their shoulders that can carry burdens of others and workloads that are heavy. 

Thank you for their arms that can hug with compassion and throw a ball to a friend. 

Thank you for hands that can write letters and tell stories. 

Thank you for fingers that can handle delicate objects and scribble in the dirt.

Thank you for hearts that beat loudly at the sound of fearful noises. 

Thank you for hearts that pump blood into their veins.

Thank you for minds that are smart and creative.

Thank you for minds that can think through problems and solve them with assurance.

Thank you for eyes that can see the hurting, but can also see the blue and the green in the ocean.

Thank you for ears that can hear the sound of crashing waves and the whistling wind through the trees.

Thank you for ears that listen to the breaking heart of a friend.

Thank you for noses that can smell chocolate chip cookies and wet dogs splashing in the pool in summer. 

Thank you for breath that comes with every inhale and exhale. 

Thank you for your sustaining breath that breathes into their lives. 

I pray we can use it all to make you famous.