
Hi, I'm Sarah

Mom, Entrepreneur, & business success coach for coaches

YOU can have a coaching business that brings you joy AND a profit

Business and success coaches throw around all of these words that don’t have any context in the real world. Words like visibility, clarity, and engagement.

But the truth is all you really want is to make money doing what you love – and are good at! Preferably without having to learn a whole new vocabulary first.

You want a growing, thriving, AND fulfilling business… without sacrificing your whole life or values to get there.

You want to wake up every morning with excitement because you’re doing what you truly love, and impacting other people’s lives in the process.

I gotcha, girl! I was right Where You Are!

I had spent years feeling like I had lost part of myself in motherhood.  I LOVE my family but I had this nagging desire to pursue something more.

Starting my coaching business lit that fire back in me that had been missing for so long. My husband even told me once he had never seen me so alive before!

You see, I had started businesses before. I’m married to a serial entrepreneur, so we’ve always had something in the works business-wise. I even have a degree in accounting, for Pete’s sake!

But coaching other women to discover their own unique gifts and talents was the first business that truly brought me joy. I KNEW what I was doing was making a real difference in the lives of others.

The problem was that all of my passion didn’t equate to profit!

In fact, it was turning into an expensive hobby.

One day I decided enough was enough; something had to change. So I did one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my life – I invested in a coach! And not just any coach… a coach who truly took the time to understand that I was an individual.

No signature program. No 10 steps to success. Just personalized coaching that met me where I was at, and showed me the steps I needed to take to scale my business.

And my business started to grow and flourish because of it.

I realized that so often we’re sold on someone else’s path to success.

And I get it. It’s so much easier to just create a program based off of what worked for you, and neatly package it up with a hefty price tag than to truly take the time to understand a client’s unique values and vision, and help them come up with a plan to get there.

But I understand that true success doesn’t happen when you simply follow in someone else’s footsteps. TRUE success happens when your business aligns perfectly with your values, your vision, and your life! That’s what I’m here to help you discover.

You’re worth the investment!

When I first started working with Sarah I felt scattered, like I knew the general direction I needed to go in, but just wasn’t sure how to get there. Sarah helped me get clear on the foundational items first, working on my own confidence in my abilities and offerings, which in turn helped me see clearly where I was going. Then she worked with me to form a plan to get there, an achievable step by step plan. She has a unique way about her that instills a calmness and challenges you at the same time to improve on where you are, and I truly appreciate that in her and that was just what I needed!
Tricia Isham
Web Designer

Do you feel like you’re wasting time and money following someone else’s path?

Let’s uncover your unique path to success! ​