
Biblical Hospitality: Change Your Home’s Environment

Biblical hospitality isn’t about the fancy decor or the 5 course meals elaborately displayed on beautifully designed tables-cape. So, if Biblical hospitality is not this, then what is it? 

My husband and I have been learning about hospitality over the past five years with many opportunities for Jesus to shine through and many more times of failure. 

Hospitality is an opportunity to naturally have the gospel presented in your own home. It opens the door to the stranger, the lonely, the homeless, the fearful and the exhausted. 

We have had many questions about why we have so many different people in and out of our home.

So today I want to share with you three of the top comments people have observed in our home while sharing a meal, a cookie or a cup of coffee with us. 

One of the first things people inevitably say is “the house is peaceful and calm.”

This comment used to shock me. We have three kids. The house is far from quiet. We have at times, had two dogs. It has been quite rowdy at times. To me it can feel quite chaotic and messy. Far from peaceful and calm. 

So what are they seeing that I’m missing? 

People’s lives who are burdened with fear, mistakes, anger and shame don’t have a soul that is peaceful and calm. I believe it isn’t the state of the noise or the amount of rowdiness. I believe we have a peace in our souls that radiate into the home and into the hearts of those longing and searching for peace. 

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

John 14:27

If we have true and lasting peace in our hearts that radiates to those tired and weary humans God has brought to your open doors. 

The second thing I have noticed that people often comment about hospitality is how things seem so simple. 

Remember how before I stated that hospitality is not about perfection and fancy things? Tired and exhausted people don’t need an obligation to something more demanding or taxing. 

Hospitality is an act of obedience of sharing what God has given you to those who need it. 

Do you have a place of rest? Share it. 

Does your home have a coffee pot? Share it. 

Do you have a couch open for conversation? Share it.

Have a comfortable place to sit at a table? Share it. 

We often tend to focus on what we don’t have to share. What if we shared what we were given without hesitation?


The world is a messy place. If we invite simplicity into our homes it can allow space and freedom for the hurting to bring their burdens into our homes and taste the Gospel.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

The third thing people notice about Biblical hospitality in our home is “it’s so open.”

In our home there are no closed doors. I remember days in one neighborhood God placed us in that we literally felt like we had a revolving door. Multiple neighbors stopping in for multiple reasons. 

Scared children.

Fighting spouses.

Lonely widows. 

Questioning retirees. 

We rarely had specific help to share with them. We were barely 30 years old. But we had a God who had all peace, all understanding, all mercy and all wisdom. 

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5

Praise God for His wisdom. He has whispered verses into my soul to share. The Holy Spirit has given my mouth silence to simply listen. He has reminded me of questions to ask in order to share His glory in our home. 

His door with us is always open. We don’t have a high priest who sits in heaven avoiding us. 

We are to reflect his character to those who are weary. In that reflection there should be a sense of peace, a simplicity and a sense openness for others to share. 

Our reflection of His character is valued far higher than the reflection we can scrub onto our floors or our sinks. 

What areas have people mentioned to you about your hospitality?

If you’d like my 8 areas of Biblical Hospitality checklist, get that here!